New fashion eye jewelry

Hello girls!
If I'm almost dead when I talk about fashion Bling bling on my teeth today I do not even know how to describe it, I am writing this post with one eye open and another closed with the risk of getting dizzy, because those who have read me for a long time know that I am easily dizzy and with these strange things even more.
Well if you girls have read in the title of this post the new fashion is implanting jewelry in the eyes , that repelús if I am not able or put on contact lenses, or paint the line of water inside.
This trend has emerged among the youngest in the United States, who go through the operating room to implement them. It's over you have beautiful eyes now rather you can be a pretty jewel or I dare not look at you with the thing you have in your eye.
The doctors made a small excision in the outer transparent membrane of the eye and then inserted the thin piece of jewelry. Its duration is 10-15 minutes and its price is between 3,000 and 4,000 dollars.

People who have tried it say that the first days they notice that they have something in their eyes, but afterwards they do not notice anything.

But do not let the pot go! I'll tell you about it, but you can not do it because it can cause infections, bleeding, conjunctivitis and you can even be blinded by an absurd fashion.
What do you think of this fashion jewelry in the eyes so rare? Kisses